Studio Vlog 001 // Finding My Rhythm as an Artist

Finding a rhythm to my art style has been a challenge for me over the past couple of years (honestly, more like ever since I got into art). With social media being an ever-growing platform for creators, I (and probably many other artists) have found it to be difficult to figure out what my style is and how to portray myself through my work as such. 


I've been wanting to start studio vlogs for a while now, which is basically "behind the scenes" looks of projects I'm working on. I have been putting these videos off for a couple of reasons... One is that I didn't think I had enough time in the week to do it. Then I came to the conclusion that if I want to do something, I will find time in my schedule to do it. The other thing (being super lame) was that speaking to a camera to put it out for my friends, family, and anyone else to see has always been daunting to me.

I know that I just have to bite the bullet and go for it if I want to continue to grow as an artist. I have seen other artists on YouTube grow with their work over the past few years through their studio vlogs and have learned so much from them. I love seeing what they do in their workday because every single one has a different creative process, and it is also an incredible way to connect with the audience on a more personal level. 

So, I finally sat down to do an introduction video so you can put a face to the name and the channel (since this is my first video where I'm speaking to the camera, please excuse any of my awkward and cringy mannerisms. I promise that I will get better...).

I can't wait to not only show others what I do throughout the week as an artist but to also document my growth and learn by doing. Feel free to subscribe to my channel to follow along - I hope you enjoy. :) 




Studio Vlog 002 // Mini Travel Sketchbook Tour + Planning a Painting


My Week in Thailand